See Virtual Classes

Classes FOR Students

Targeted lessons designed to connect to learners in the way that they learn. Boost academic skills, enhance focus, and build confidence all


Connect to Self

Gain insights into your strengths and areas for growth with self-assessments that help you understand your learning style and track your progress.

Engaging Conversations 

One of the most valuable aspects of Executive Functioning Coaching is the opportunity to engage in genuine, meaningful conversations about the challenges students face. You will find this conversation style in the course. It's part of a child's learning journey to develop these skills.

Brain Games 

Part of the "learning should be fun" concept. If its fun - kids remember it and will return to practice the skills. Brain games designed to sharpen thinking, enhances memory, and improves problem-solving skills.

Hi, There! I'm Ms. Ashley


I had always had a tough time keeping track of my assignments and managing my time.

Everything changed when I discovered executive functioning skills.

Now, I TEACH these skills because I know firsthand how life-changing they can be for staying organized and focused.


More About Me

Each lesson is a different skill set?  

Browse the Lessons

Online class is not your child's thing? Try a 1:1 coaching session.   


Let's face it! Not everyone learns the same way.  I am here to offer multiple ways of learning. The 1:1 coaching sessions are my jam. I would love to connect to your learner and coach them through the course. 

Schedule Sessions Here

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I am always creating something and can't wait to share with you when I release a new class/product. Let's stay in touch!